Advocacy Environmental Education

Report Illegal MTB Trails in BVNP

If you see illegal mountain bike trails in a National Park then open up Google Maps on your phone, do a long press and this will create a Dropped Pin which shows the coordinates where you are. Share the pin with your email and also take a photo of the damage.

Create an email and include the GPS coordinates in the dropped pin and photo to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment and tell them that you are unhappy with the destruction you are witnessing.

Or you can notify the NPWS directly on 1300 361 967’re-combatting-illegal-activities

This sends a powerful message to NPWS and the state government that we are sick of seeing illegal MTB trails being created in healthy bushland. 

  • They destroy habitat
  • They cause erosion
  • They reduce biodiversity 

The email will help the one ranger that NPWS has allocated to the Berowra Valley National Park know where the trails are. If they have the resources and are working already in that area they can remove the MTB trails.

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